- Hits: 10243
Welcome to the
Eastern Colorado Beekeepers
Quick Links:
Pay your Annual Dues & Update your liability waiver/membership forms:
*-* Member Services (online payment options!) *-*
*-* Want to LEARN about bees? *-*
*-* Check out our Beekeeping class options as they are published below the calendar - check back next spring for more! *-*
*-*Click here to register for BK105 with KT*-*
*-* Consider taking a year to learn about bees and beekeeping BEFORE you buy your bees with the Eastern Colorado Beekeepers! *-*
If you do, you can ask the beeclub provision your first bees to start your apiary! for details, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
*-* Looking to BUY bees? *-*
*-* Check back soon as we gather information & prepare to start taking orders! *-*
- Please check our calendar below or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information -
Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month January through November at 6:30pm
Look for our Saturday Road Shows (in apiary training) and sign up links in the calendar!
Join us for Beekeeper Social Hour 30 minutes before the meeting!
Check the calendar entries below for meeting location information;
When available, Zoom Links will be added to the calendar as the meeting time approaches, but we are generally meeting in person.
Guests are welcome!
- Hits: 5368
Think you have a swarm?
Awesome! Now what?
- Don't spray them! Honey bee swarms are just a group of worker bees with the queen in the center looking for a new home - this is a natural part of their reproductive process and is one way we can get new bee colonies from established hives. Bee swarms may be alarming, but they are not a danger if left alone to be handled by experienced beekeepers.
- Call for help! If you live in Colorado, you can use the statewide swarm hotline or call your local country extension office or beekeepers' association.
If you contact the right folks, someone will come collect the swarm and make sure they find a good home!
We have local beekeepers from our club networked within the Colorado state swarm hotline (1-844-SPY-BEES or 1-844-779-2337) who you will be connected with when you call and enter your town/area information.
- Colorado State Swarm Hotline: 1-844-SPY-BEES (1-844-779-2337)
You will need to tell the automated system your city/area and it will connect you to the swarm-ready beekeepers in your area. - Click here for a list of Colorado State University Extension offices to contact.
- Colorado State Swarm Hotline: 1-844-SPY-BEES (1-844-779-2337)
- Hits: 2392
BK105 with KT Thompson - Spring 2025
Select Monday & Wednesday Evenings (6:30-8:30pm) on Zoom & 1 Saturday in the Apiary
The Beekeeping 105 course is taught by KT Thompson in a total of four parts - 3 on Zoom from 6:00pm-8:30pm on select Monday & Wednesday Evenings Feb 24, Feb 26, March 24, & March 26 (registrants will receive meeting link and details via e-mail after registration is complete & payment is received) AND one Saturday in the Apiary (near Byers/Strasburg) pending weather, but tentatively scheduled for the end of April or early-mid May - we will solidify the day in the apiary as the date approaches.
Note: If there is interest, an in-apiary day in Brush or Sterling is possible as well.
KT Thompson has served as both ECB & CSBA Board Officer, is a certified Master Beekeeper, has taught science at the high school & college levels for over 15 years, is Director of the Colorado Master Beekeeping Program and has taught honey bee biology & beekeeping to adults and high school students both in person and online to a wide range of beekeeping levels.
Beekeeping 105 overlaps somewhat with many common Beekeeping 101 formats, but is meant to be its own class for beekeepers wanting to advance their understanding of their bees and the art of beekeeping. It is appropriate for folks who've had bees for a few years as well as NEW beekeepers who are interested in really diving in. Topics will include: introduction to the honey bee, beekeeping equipment, beekeeping as an animal husbandry, working with bees, health concerns & basic management, seasonal colony changes & management, class member choice topic presentations, and hive inspections & monitoring/record keeping.
This class is meant for beginner/apprentice level beekeepers and has been approved as apprentice level education that will help you qualify for the Colorado Master Beekeeper Program, if you'd like (http://coloradobeekeepers.org/education/general-information-and-applications/).
- The minimum registration for this class to run is 6.
- Payment is due at time of registration (absolutely MUST be RECEIVED BEFORE class starts) - for payment options, please see below.
Click here to register for BK105 with KT
- Hits: 4126
Please see our Calendar page and listen for information in our meetings our posted on our Facebook group for specific classes as they are scheduled.
Fill out the interest form linked here & we will contact you as educational opportunities that may interest you are planned!
We at Eastern Colorado Beekeepers try to offer a range of educational opportunities for our variety of club and community members.
Generally, we offer Beekeeping 101 & Beekeeping 105 each spring and, depending on opportunity and interest, will offer more specific classes such as hand-on hive splitting or queen rearing seminars.
We are currently planning a "Dip Your Toes In The Water" day in the apiary for folks interested in beekeeping or JUST getting started with their bees!
Classes are typically held in the Byers/Strasburg/Bennett area and often include at least a portion of class in an apiary (weather permitting) with the bees.
If you are interested in any of these or other educational opportunities, please fill out the form below & we will keep you in the loop!
Typically, there is also an educational presentation at each regularly scheduled meeting (guests are welcome - see our calendar!).